July 11, 2024
6:00 pm
Having run a very successful workshop earlier this month I have decided to run another similar workshop. As there is so much to cover with ancestral work.
Within the understanding of grief and helping those grieving by using EFT & Matrix Reimprinting it can be extremely helpful to have an insight into how ancestral and generational grief can impact a clients life. As many of you know I am an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and trainer and have specialised in working with grief for over 12 years now and for some clients actually looking way back into the past can be extremely helpful in integrating unresolved grief from way back when. Some old collective grief can serious impact clients lives and once worked with can help your clients feel as if a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Complicated grief can accumulate across the many generations from our ancestors and can be affecting your clients today.
During this online workshop we will be looking at how grief can come down through the generations and affect our clients. There will be a demonstration and we will reflect on examples of transgenerational grief as well as exploring some of the comments in my Book Joy beyond Grief on the chapter on Transgenerational grief and life patterns.
This 2 hour online workshop is open to practitioners of EFT & Matrix Reimprinting and trainer too. I would love you to join me in this fully interactive workshop on Thursday 11th July 6pm- 8pm and the costs is £40. So if you wish to come along please book your space via the link below.