November 28, 2024
10:00 am
Supervision is a necessary part of becoming an EFT practitioner and maintaining your membership with EFTi and EFT & mindfulness worldwide. I am an approved EFTI supervisor and an EFT & Mindfulness worldwide approved supervisor. AS you are probably aware you are required to complete a minimum of 6 hours of supervision every year. This particular supervision will be run weekly allowing for integration of what is discussed, worked on or reflected on during the sessions. Having been a supervisor for many years now and having recently completed and updated my skills with EFT & mindfulness worldwide these sessions will be run in a professional and caring manner.
Included in this supervision is discussions, reflections, some additional skills we will look at common issues, rights and responsibilities, practical issues, common problems, and words on supervision vs treatment. These session only have up to eight people on each course to assure maximum time for all and to follow the EFTi & EFT & Mindfulness Centre guidelines & for supervision.
The aim of supervision is to provide an attentive and supportive climate within which yo u can develop new options for managing yourself and your work with greater satisfaction and effectiveness. Supervision provides a forum for reflection, accountability and learning from doing. Its aim is to progress excellent work and quality practice. My aim is to support and challenge supervisees to move beyond their current competencies into future possibilities in a supported manner.