Monthly Grief Tapping Circle

Event Date:

April 4, 2023

Event Time:

12:00 pm

Event Location:


This monthly gathering is for anyone who is experiencing any form of grief. This may be a recent loss or one that you are still struggling with after many years. Whether you are grieving from a bereavement or a loss of any description you are welcome to join us for a gathering and some group tapping and meditation. You do not have to be experienced at tapping as you will learn how to do it when you attend a gathering. Tapping is a gentle, non-invasive technique to help you deal with feelings, emotions and painful memories of loss.

Each session will last for 1 ½ hours and is designed for you, for you to have support through your loss and to speak with those experience their own losses. You can silently join in with the tapping or share your experiences. And at the end of the gathering you can experience a meditation. This is your time, time for you to honour your grief in a warm, caring environment.

The Joy beyond grief team would like to invite you to come along to this sanctuary whatever loss you may be experiencing. You may be struggling with a bereavement, you may be experiencing the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of a pet, loss of health, or any number of losses due to the pandemic. If you feel any sense of loss or grief about something you are experiencing in your life then you are most welcome to our monthly meetings to be with others who are grieving too. This gathering is open to everyone. So please spread the word to anyone you feel would benefit for some support. There will be a chance to share your experiences with others, happy memories too,  

The circle is held the first Tuesday of every month. Next one is on the 4th April 2023 From 12pm to 1.30pm GMT. There will be a minimal charge of £5 to cover admin costs. I hope you can come along 🙂

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Total Seats: 75
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Event Schedule Details

  • April 4, 2023 12:00 pm   -   March 7, 2023 1:30 pm
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