May 21, 2020
10:00 am
Garthmyl Hall
As many of you know I am an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and trainer and have specialised in working with grief for over 10 years now. In light of the present situation we find ourselves in I have decided to do another webinar this one will be on collective and generational grief something extremely relevant to what is happening in the world. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to work on any losses or grief you may be experiencing at the moment.
I would love you to join me in this fully interactive webinar on Thursday 21st May 10am-12. This will only cost you £10 (a donation will be going to doctors without borders) but places will be limited to 20 people to ensure maximum benefits are gained during your personal work in the session. So if you wish to come along please book your space via the link below.